S2はJDK1.4 or JDK1.5が必要です。稼動確認は、Eclipse3で行っています。
Seasar2の基本機能(S2Container, S2AOP)を利用する場合には以下のファイルをCLASSPATHに含める必要があります。
- lib/javassist.jar
- lib/commons-logging.jar
- lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar
- lib/ognl-2.6.5.jar
- lib/aopalliance.jar
- lib/s2-framework-2.x.x.jar
- src/log4j.properties
Seasar2の拡張機能(S2JTA, S2DBCP, S2JDBC, S2Unit, S2Tx, S2DataSet)を利用する場合には以下のファイルを追加でCLASSPATHに含める必要があります。
- lib/jta.jar
- lib/junit-3.8.1.jar
- lib/poi-2.5-final-20040804.jar
- lib/s2-extension-2.x.x.jar
- src/j2ee.dicon
- S2 requires JDK1.4 or JDK1.5 to run. The operation test is checked by Eclipse3.
- Download S2xxx.zip, and Unzip it!
- Import seasar2 directory as an existing project to Eclipse.
- Select menu 'File -> Import... -> Existing Project into workspace'
- You can find a sample in src/examples.
- For using the basic function of Seasar2(S2Container, S2AOP), you need to include the following files in CLASSPATH.
- lib/javassist.jar
- lib/commons-logging.jar
- lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar
- lib/ognl-2.6.5.jar
- lib/aopalliance.jar
- lib/s2-framework-2.x.x.jar
- src/log4j.properties
- For using the extended function of Seasar2(S2JTA, S2D BCP, S2JDBC, S2Unit, S2Tx, and S2DataSet), you need to include the following files in CLASSPATH.
- lib/jta.jar
- lib/junit-3.8.1.jar
- lib/poi-2.5-final-20040804.jar
- lib/s2-extension-2.x.x.jar
- src/j2ee.dicon
HSQLDB is included so that you can try the function of a database easily. When you try, run HSQLDB first(double-click bin/runHsqldb.bat (for Windows)). The file 'lib/hsqldb.jar' is unnecessary except when running HSQLDB.
The file 'sql/demo-oracle.sql' is also contained so that you can try the function of Oracle easily. After running it by SQL*Plus, you need to configurate XADataSourceImpl in j2ee.dicon in accordance with your environment.
- はやっ -- kakuda
- 自分で校正ツッコミ。最後の文のaccording toは、in accordance withのほうがよりしっくりくる感じ。 -- swat
- JDK1.5対応にあわせて若干修正。 -- swat