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  1. クラスパスを修正。
  2. S2Click 1.0.4での変更点を追記。
  3. 不要なファイルを削除。
  4. S2Click 1.0.4での変更点を追記。
  5. Click 2.3.0の設定項目に対応。
  6. Click 2.3.0の設定項目に対応。
  7. org.seasar.s2click.jdbcパッケージのpackage.htmlを作成。
  8. Javadocに開発中であることを追記。
  9. @Ajaxでのメソッド呼び出し時に引数の型変換を行うようにした。
  10. バージョン番号を1.0.4に更新。
Revision 644 by takezoe:
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /trunk/s2click/ant/build.xmlN/A
Revision 643 by takezoe:
S2Click 1.0.4での変更点を追記。
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /trunk/s2click/docs/history.htmlN/A
Revision 642 by takezoe:
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /trunk/s2click/src/org/seasar/s2click/util/AjaxUtils.javaN/A
Revision 641 by takezoe:
S2Click 1.0.4での変更点を追記。
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /trunk/s2click/docs/history.htmlN/A
Revision 640 by takezoe:
Click 2.3.0の設定項目に対応。
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /trunk/s2click/docs/configuration.htmlN/A
Revision 639 by takezoe:
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /trunk/s2click/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefsN/A
Revision 638 by takezoe:
Click 2.3.0の設定項目に対応。
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /trunk/s2click/src/org/seasar/s2click/S2ClickConfig.javaN/A
The file was modified /trunk/s2click/src/org/seasar/s2click/S2ClickConfigService.javaN/A
Revision 637 by takezoe:
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was added/trunk/s2click/src/org/seasar/s2click/jdbc/package.htmlN/A
Revision 636 by takezoe:
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /trunk/s2click/src/org/seasar/s2click/jdbc/EntityDeletePage.javaN/A
The file was modified /trunk/s2click/src/org/seasar/s2click/jdbc/EntityEditPage.javaN/A
The file was modified /trunk/s2click/src/org/seasar/s2click/jdbc/EntityForm.javaN/A
The file was modified /trunk/s2click/src/org/seasar/s2click/jdbc/EntityListPage.javaN/A
The file was modified /trunk/s2click/src/org/seasar/s2click/jdbc/EntityPagesConfig.javaN/A
The file was modified /trunk/s2click/src/org/seasar/s2click/jdbc/EntityRegisterPage.javaN/A
Revision 635 by takezoe:
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /trunk/s2click/src/org/seasar/s2click/servlet/S2ClickServlet.javaN/A
Revision 634 by takezoe:
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /trunk/s2click/ant/build.xmlN/A